Storyboard is a new initiative from Boise State University to encourage self-reflection for students throughout the course of their college career. The school is developing an app that will provide a space for students to document and track their educational goals, achievements, and projects, so that they can better evaluate their progress and success.
Read more about the project here.

Homescreen in various states of prompt responses
This was a collaborative project, with multiple team members working to solve problems and develop a simple and fluid interface that would provide the best user experience. Individually we all developed different user flows for the app, working within a consistent framework and design concept.

An important element of the Storyboard initiative is a collection of prompts that provide direction for students to help them reflect on their experience. These will be provided to students throughout the course of their college career so they can accurately track their progress. When designing the app, we had to consider a way to distribute the prompts effectively so that students could respond both digitally in the app and physically in a journal.

Screens showing additional options within the app.