Inspired by the work climate activist group, Before It’s Too Late, was doing in Miami with augmented reality, I wanted to take their concept and make it smaller and more accessible. The biggest challenge with getting people involved in the climate movement is making climate change visible, and with augmented reality postcards, visitors to the national parks could see first-hand what a future without dramatic climate action might look like.
App Concept
Users would download the National Park Service Augmented Reality app which would allow them the ability to scan a NPS postcard. Scanning the postcard would provide access to a potential future reality showing what the park could look like if action is not taken against climate change. Users would be able to navigate through a scene in the park and also read about the direct impacts climate change is causing at that park.

Postcard Concept

Staying consistent with the iconic vintage style of National Park Service postcards, these cards would feature a scene from the national park on the front, and provide information about the park and a QR code to download the app on the back.
This project was originally presented as a mock proposal for a company collaboration.
Click through below to view the presentation deck.